Important Precautions

Cautionary Note: When you are new to the Essential Oils or instructing an individual on the practical application methods, please use the Essential Oils safely and conscientiously.

LESS IS MORE...... You may have heard the term many times, but when using pure, therapeutic Essential Oils, you do not need a lot of the Essential Oil to get the benefit you ae seeking. Why use 6 or8 drops when half of that amount will do, and sometimes a quarter of that amount is enough.

1) For therapeutic purposes, you should avoid essential oils that have not been tested by an independent laboratory. Each oil should have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MDSD) available upon request.

2) Do not use undiluted essential oils on delicate skin, mucous membranes, eyes or ears. POSSIBLE EXCEPTION: Lavender and Tea Tree may be applied "neat" (without dilution) but never in the eyes.

3) Test for sensitivities. Wash and dry an area on the inside of the elbow. Apply diluted oil, preferably to be covered and left for 24 hours. Sensitivity may show up immediately by the way of redness, itching or a burning sensation. If any of these symptoms occur, apply a carrier oil or lotion; then wash with soap and warm water.

Ingesting Essential Oils is never recommended.

4) Most citrus essential oils are photosensitive. Citrus oils can irritate skin and some of them will cause uneven pigmentation on the skin upon exposure to sun lamps or sun tanning. NEVER use citrus oils directly on the skin if planning to be in direct exposure to the sun for a length of time, i.e. sun bathing or tanning salon.

5) Essential Oils, in their concentrated state, must come in contact with mucous membranes or sensitive skin areas. Keep all Essential Oils away from the eyes.

Should you accidently get the oil into your eye, DO NOT use water to eliminate the sting of the oil; the water will drive the oil deeper into the eye causing more discomfort.

In case of an accident, one drop of grapeseed oil or other carrier oil as well as something with fat in it applied in the corner of the eye will dilute the oil and relieve the pain. Whole milk is one example of a fatty solution

OSHA Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) recommends flushing the eye with water for fifteen (15) minutes which is an alternative when you have no fast access to a vegetable oil or a fatty liquid as may likely occur in a factory or similar situation.

6) The safest location for applying oils, especially with a person new to the oils, is on the bottoms of the feet. Referencing Reflexology charts will direct you to the placement of the oils, but when in doubt cover the whole bottom of the foot from toe to sole. (Don't forget to use a carrier oil when covering the whole foot).

7) Some oils are considered "hot" and for good reason. Oils such as Lemongrass, Oregano, Thyme Red, Wintergreen, Sage, Cinnamon and Clove may burn the skin. Thyme Red can cause third degree burns. These oils are all the reason sensitivity testing is wise, and why they should be used with a carrier oil.


8) Some Essential Oils contain components that may have a negative physiological effect on pregnant women and should be avoided. Oils, that contain phyto-hormones, have a strong effect on the central nervous system or that may cause skin sensitivity due to hormone changes during pregnancy, should be avoided. A woman, newly pregnant, may not know she is pregnant until she experiences the scents of several oils at once and becomes dizzy or nauseated. Fresh air will revive her, but she should not continue to inhale the oils.

Some (but not all) Oils To Avoid With Pregnant Women and Error On The Side of Safety

Sensitive Skin: Basil, Birch, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Clove, Cumin, Fennel, Fir, Ginger, Lemon, Lemongrass, Verbena, Oregano, Parsley Seed, Pimento Berry, Tagetes, Peppermint, Pine, Thyme Red, Wintergreen, Angelica, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lime, Orange, Tangerine, Mandarin (all citrus oils).

Epilepsy: Camphor, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiata, Fennel, Hyssop, Lavender Spike, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): Cypress, Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiata, Hyssop, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme

Kidney and Liver Disease: Basil, Cinnamon, Fennel, Juniper

People with Liver Disease should avoid using essential oils unless under the supervision of your health care provider.

Oils For Elderly, Frail or Allergic Persons: Half of the calculated dose is a guideline, and it is always better to use less than more initially. RULE OF THUMB: Less is More when using pure (unaltered) essential oils.

Oils for Children: It is important to know that a baby's liver and kidneys are not fully developed and functioning until two years of age and are still developing up to the age of seven. Because of this, their ability to process and remove essential oils from their body is inhibited. Their young status may also influence the danger of using blends as opposed to single ingredient oils due to the child's health.

CAUTIONARY NOTE: True Rife Aroma Essential Oils are not recommended for children under the age of ten and should always be diluted.